Week 9 & 10 of Term 1


Can you believe that we have less than two weeks until the end of term 1?

Congratulations, to all those students who completed their Year 4 Eucharist this morning. What a beautiful ceremony held at the church. It was nice to see so many of our Year 6 leaders, either celebrating this occasion with their families, playing in the school band or singing and supporting. πŸ™Œ

Our Learning:

Seesaw - Please log in to your child's seesaw account so that you can start to see some of their assessments displayed. The students have already posted a Reading activity, will be posting a Math assessment this week and a Religion one in the coming weeks. Please let me know if you need a new login sent home this week. 

Math - Throughout this term in the Measurement and Geometry strand of Math, we have been looking at perimeter, area, surface are, 3D shapes and their nets. This week the students will be completing their a project which will test the students on all of the above. Watch this space to view your students awesome work on seesaw. In the Number strand, we have moved into multiplication and division.

Writing - We have started writing our own version of the story of Narnia, developing a new and exciting story starter, a description of how the children left their mother and moved to the countryside and how they found the magical wardrobe. Then from there the students used their 5 senses to help describe the world beyond the wardrobe. Their inclusion of adjectives, alliteration and wonderful descriptions have ensured that these stories will be an exciting read. We have also commenced creating our very own "Narnian" character to add into the story and will continue with this before we move onto developing our 3 mini problems. 

Please note: We intend to watch the rest of  'Narnia - the Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe' over the upcoming two weeks in class. This movie is rated PG therefore I am required to inform you and ask that if you would prefer that your child didn't see the film that you notify me of this ASAP. 

Religion - In Religion, we will be completing a seesaw task this week that will include information and details about Holy week and the various important dates that lie ahead in the upcoming three weeks in the church's calendar. 

Character Strengths: 
Parents, this week we are looking at developing the character strength of Honesty. St Gertrude the Great is known as a powerful champion of truth and justice. She was a Benedictine Nun who dedicated her work to theology, learning and writing.
• Do you like to know the truth?
• Do you like people to be truthful to you?

Wk9&10 Homework:
Please Note: We have noticed a large amount of students are not completing/handing in their homework on a Friday. For those that do not hand in any previous homework by the end of the week, will be spending their lunchtime with Mrs R next Monday 2nd April this work! We would love your support with this.

This fortnight, homework will include (due on Wednesday the 5th April):
  • Times table activity booklet - Weeks 9 & 10
  • Oral practice of the 9 times tables (include division also) We will also show the students a trick to help with this.
  • Reading (30 minutes per day - to be logged in the student diary in the designated side section)
  • 1 x sheet of Banqer interview questions - Expenses
Please ensure that your child writes their daily reading into their homework diaries and that it is signed once a week by an adult.

Week 9 Reminders 

Easter Egg Raffle - The P&F are running an Easter Egg raffle and have sent home little packs of raffle tickets (ours will be sent out tomorrow). Can you please send back the money for the raffle tickets and/or any unused tickets by Monday 3rd April.

Important Dates for Term 1 2023
  1. Monday 27th March - Wednesday 29th March - Parent Teacher Interviews
  2. Sunday 2nd April - Palm Sunday
  3. Friday 7th April - Public Holiday Good Friday and Term 1 school holidays commence

Thanks for you ongoing support,

Mr Mc and Mrs Ricci


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