Week 1 &2 Term 1 2023


What an exciting first two weeks we have had! We are very proud of our little 6M family and their resilience this week, with first week jitters, new roles and responsibilities and swimming lessons in choppy water and piercing sun. Each student showed the OLC school values despite feeling tired. We hope they rest up this weekend and are ready for another week full of learning and fun! 🏊

Timetable (post-swimming):
Please note on Monday, week 3 we will start out normal timetable without swimming lessons. Please see this timetable below and note days for sport uniform. 6M has physical education with Mrs Sinclair on Wednesday and dance with Mrs Haines on a Friday, so therefore 6M will have to wear their teal school sport uniform on Wednesday and their faction sport uniform on Friday. 

Parish Mass:
Please note both Year 6 classes will walk to the Church on Wednesday to take part in the parish mass with the Dunsborough community. Please ensure your child has a hat and sun cream applied in the morning. 

We will begin our Library borrowing sessions this week (week 3). Please be aware that 6M's borrowing day is on a Thursday, which means that ALL students need to bring in their Library bag on this day to borrow books. It would be greatly appreciated if you could support us with this, as we are wanting to place a large focus student's finding something they enjoy reading, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. 

If your child is regularly not borrowing on a Thursday, we will be sending an email home requesting your assistance with this.

Parent Information Night:
This Monday 13th February, we have our Parent Information evening. The school has split this night into two sessions to accommodate those who have multiple children in different year levels. These sessions are as follows:

5.30 - 6pm: PP - 2 in classrooms with class teachers
6 - 6.30pm: PP - 6 in the hall with Mr Lee and Leadership Team
6.30 - 7pm: Yr3 - 6 in classrooms with class teachers

Here is a link giving you access to the Power Point that will be presented on Monday night. Parent Information Slides . This is for you to peruse beforehand and to have as a reference for later on in the year. We are happy to answer any questions on the night and look forward to seeing you all in 6M at 6.30pm.

Outstanding Stationery/Supplies
Over the last two weeks we have noticed there are still many students' missing important stationery/supply items, in particular whiteboards and files. We ask that all students have a whiteboard and the correct number of files within the next two weeks. Both items are used regularly, therefore having them allows your child to be organised, minimising the time wasted in class to find alternatives. 

In addition, if students have spare stationery at home, please feel free to send it in and we can store it in a labelled zip-lock bag in the back storeroom. This will allow your child to replenish their items when they are running low.

Please check in with the school website for the summer uniform policy and make sure that your child adheres to our guidelines. Both boys and girls must have their hair off their face and tied up if it falls below their collar.

External Support Providers:
Parents, does your child receive services onsite at OLC during the school day? Either NDIS funded Speech Therapy, OT, Physiotherapy and the like. If your child engages in one of these services, please contact us via email with details of the times for these sessions as soon as possible.

Character Strengths 
Parents, this week we are looking at developing the character strength of Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. St Francis of Assisi saw the beauty in all of God’s creations and in nature itself. His life was one of great respect and mercy for all of God’s creation – people, animals, nature. Do you enjoy the beauty around you? Are you inspired by the goodness of others?

Important Dates for 2023
  1. Wednesday 15th February - Year 6 Parish Mass
  2. Monday 13th February - Parent Information Night
  3. Friday 17th February - OLC opening school mass
  4. Week 4 - 20th - 24th February - Artist Incursion - Andrew Fraser (Timetable to follow)
  5. Tuesday 21st February - OLC swimming carnival time trials
  6. Thursday 2nd March - OLC swimming carnival
  7. Friday 3rd March - Pupil Free Day
  8. Monday 6th March - Labour Day (Public Holiday)
  9. 12th March - Year 6 Car Wash
  10. Friday 17th March - Saint Patricks Day
  11. Thursday 23rd March - Interschool swimming competition
  12. Friday 24th March - National Ride to School Day
  13. Sunday 2nd April - Palm Sunday
  14. Tuesday 4th April - Year 6 Chrism Mass
  15. Friday 7th April - Public Holiday Easter Friday
  16. Term 1 school holidays

Enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing all the students on Monday for our first week without swimming lessons.

Kindest regards,

Mr McSevich & Mrs Ricciardone


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