Term 3 Week 7

 Welcome to week 7,

Unfortunately, I wont be in this week, but have prepared lessons for the week so that the Students can continue with their normal learning program.

Just a few reminders for this week;
Operation Christmas Child 
This is the last week to bring your child's gift to school. If they haven't don so already (and a big thank you to those who have already brought their gifts in) your child will need to bring their gift and the cost of $2.50 to cover postage.  

Your child has been asked to bring in one of the following: 
- Something to love
- Something to play with
- Something to draw with or write on
- Something for personal hygiene
- Something to wear 

Here are the things that are NOT allowed in the shoe boxes:
Lollies; chocolate or food; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquid paint; toothpaste; shampoo; aerosol cans; bubbles; crayons; plasticine/playdough; medicine; vitamins; used clothes; old toys; glass; porcelain; mirrors; war-related items; toy guns, knives; military figures; skull and crossbones; Halloween items; play money; playing cards; dominoes; tracts and Bibles (children are given an Operation Christmas Child evangelistic book at an outreach event).

 Important Dates ๐Ÿ“…

OLC Open Classroom afternoon: This has been postponed until Thursday of week 8 when I can return
Peace Poster Art Due (Week 7)
School Photos: Thursday 8th September (Week 8)
Peace Poster whole school voting (Week 8) 
OLC Athletics carnival: Friday 16th September (Week 9)
OLC's got talent: Friday 23rd September (Week 10)
Peace Poster winner announcement: Friday 23rd September (week 10) 

Due: Friday, 9th September 2022

This weeks homework are listed below:
  1. Reading - 40 minutes a night
  2. Math - Father's Day Decimal Worksheet
  3. Math - Banqer worksheet
  4. Art - Peace Poster due at the end of week 7 
We have been working on the multiplication of decimals with a whole number in class.  As such, we have included this (Fathers Day Decimal Worksheet) as homework to ensure we are practicing what we are learning.  However, should your child be stuck on this concept, I have included a video below to assist.  

Thanks for your ongoing support
Mr McSevich


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