
Showing posts from August, 2022

Term 3 Week 7

 Welcome to week 7 , Unfortunately, I wont be in this week, but have prepared lessons for the week so that the Students can continue with their normal learning program. Just a few reminders for this week; Operation Christmas Child  This is the last week to bring your child's gift to school. If they haven't don so already (and a big thank you to those who have already brought their gifts in) your child will need to bring their gift and the cost of $2.50 to cover postage.   Your child has been asked to bring in one of the following:  - Something to love - Something to play with - Something to draw with or write on - Something for personal hygiene - Something to wear  Here are the things that are NOT allowed in the shoe boxes: Lollies; chocolate or food; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquid paint; toothpaste; shampoo; aerosol cans; bubbles; crayons; plasticine/playdough; medicine; vitamins; used clothes; old toys; glass; porcelain; mirrors; w

Term 3 Week 5

   K AY A and welcome to Week 5, Last Friday, we celebrated our Feast Day and Mission Markets.  The Year 6 students were instrumental in the success of the day and the school was able to raise more than $2000 for Caritas to send to Ukraine. Well done OLC and the Year 6 team.  Learning this week This past week in science we have been working on conductors, insulators and electrical circuits.  This culminated in us designing and completing a circuit to control an online game (in a coding program called scratch) using a MaKey Makey.  Keep an eye out for a Seesaw task over the coming days to see how your child went with this activity. In Literacy, we are exploring persuasive devices such as emotive language, rhetorical questions and personal pronouns.  We will soon be writing our own persuasive texts using all the devices we have been studying. In maths, we are working on decimals, having practiced rounding them last week.  We are exploring multiplication (this week) and division (next wee